Universal Security Store - Daily Deals & Coupon Codes

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Save An Instant 10% Today on your Universal Security Instruments Safety Products, Alarms and Detectors that Utilize Various Technologies to Ensure Optimal Safety for Your Family, Home or Place of Business:
Safety Products from UniversalSecurityStore.com were designed to offer the maximum in peace of mind. Ensure you and your family's safety from the many hazards presented by Fires, Smoke Inhalation, Carbon Monoxide and Gas Leaks with the purchase of an appropriate USI Alarm.
Our safety products include: Smoke and Fire Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Combination Alarms. Many of the Alarms we feature incorporate multiple levels of detection. Our 2-in-1 Alarms, 3-in-1 Alarm and 4-in-1 Alarm ensure optimal safety by detecting a wide range of hazards. Our signature collection of Sensing Plus Multi Criteria Smoke Alarms provide the ultimate in reassurance and are capable of identifying multiple threats at an increasingly fast pace.
Our coupon discount is valid on the entirety of our Smoke alarms, Fire alarms, Carbon Monoxide detectors, Combination Alarms and Other Safety Products. Our selection of alarms is backed by industry defining technology and a series of patents exclusive to the USI brand. When it comes to securing you and your loved one's security, you can depend on the UniversalSecurityStore.com to deliver some of the most technologically sound equipment available in today's market.