Always Working To Protect Your Family® & Community
Universal Security Instruments has always understood the importance of outfitting entire communities with some of the most intuitive and technologically advanced Smoke and Fire Alarms on the market. In accordance with the many policies set into play by the California State Fire Marshal, our catalogue is comprised of an extended selection of Smoke and Fire Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Combination Alarms that surpass industry standards. The USI Brand is a globally recognized name that has established a reputation for releasing products and accessories that incorporate state of the art technology in a highly productive format. In the following section, we will be showcasing the availability of USI Brand Alarms and how they can benefit your community at large.
Community Outreach
Preparation is an essential part in safeguarding any community. By placing your trust in the USI brand, you'll be aligning yourself with a manufacturer that understands the significance of keeping communities whole and safe from the many threats presented by Smoke, Fire, CO and Natural Gas Leaks. The U.S. Fire Administration has been spearheading the Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign in an effort to relay the importance of preparation and yearly checkups:
The Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign is part of the United States Fire Administration's effort to reduce fire deaths and injuries across the nation. More than 3,000 people die in home fires each year in the United States; most of which are in homes without a working smoke alarm. A working, properly installed smoke alarm lowers your chances of dying in a fire.
We wholeheartedly agree with the information being expressed in this campaign and believe USI Alarms can be instrumental in bolstering the security within your home significantly. Always Working to Protect your Family®, USI Smoke and Fire Alarms utilize a number of patent exclusive technologies to attain optimal results in reassuring the ultimate in peace of mind. Our alignment with the U.S. Fire Administration's Campaign speaks for the increased levels of efficiency displayed throughout our catalogue.A working smoke alarm can help you and your family escape a deadly home fire. It can also help save the lives of firefighters who would otherwise have to risk their lives by searching a burning home for residents. A working smoke alarm continuously scans the air for smoke, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It never sleeps.
USI Fire and Smoke Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Combination Alarms were created with the expressed principle of providing the premier defense in protecting you and your loved ones from a series of potentially lethal hazards. Additionally, The National Fire Protection Association has also acknowledged the importance of installing an effective Smoke and Fire Alarm. They have gone on the record and have released a number of frightening statistics associated with the failure of realizing the significance of utilizing a reliable alarm.

Sixty-two percent of home fire deaths happen in homes with no smoke alarms at all or no smoke alarms that work. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast and you need smoke alarms to give you time to get out.
This statistic further solidifies the severity of installing Smoke and Fire Alarms within your home. Our series of Universal Smoke Sensing (IoPhic) Alarms are the ideal addition for any community looking for an alarm that employs a variety of technologies to record both Fast Flaming Fires and Slow Smoldering Fires in rapid succession. Our collection is further boosted with the addition of Fire and Smoke Alarms that use Ionization and Photoelectric Sensors
Low-Income Housing
We've also undertaken the goal of making USI branded Alarms as accessible as possible. In an effort to place high performance models within every home in your community, we've stocked our catalogue with a number of incredibly efficient and moderately priced detectors. We feature a variety of smoke alarm units in an affordable price range that sufficiently protect your home. No household should ever be excluded from acquiring an alarm that offers optimal Smoke and Fire protection. Visit the My Property Page to learn more about discounts exclusive to buying in bulk. This page is an incredible resource for low income property managers, homeowner associations and community organizations looking to purchase a collection of superior models at a fraction of the price.
For any additional information on our USI Alarm's specifications, performance options and availability, be certain to frequent the and browse through our extensive selection of Industry Defining Alarms.